Ic-7800 specifications
Ic-7800 specifications

ic-7800 specifications

ic-7800 specifications

Except for the power switch, games could (and did) assign other meanings to the switches.


Six switches (original version): Power on/off, TV signal (B/W or Color), Difficulty for each player (called A and B), Select, and Reset.Two screwless DE-9 controller ports, for single-button joysticks, paddles, trackballs, driving controllers, 12-key keyboard controllers (0–9, #, and *), and third party controllers with additional functions.ROM ( game cartridges): 4 kB maximum capacity (64 kB with bank switching).RAM (within a MOS Technology RIOT chip): 128 bytes (additional RAM may be included in the game cartridges).2 channels of 1-bit monaural sound with 4-bit volume control.Palette switching mid line is possible but not common due to resource limitations. Palette switching between lines is common. Max of 4 per line: background, playfield, player0 sprite, and player1 sprite. Max resolution is only somewhat achievable with programming tricks that combine sprite pixels with playfield pixels. Maximum resolution: 160 x 192 pixels (NTSC).Ball and missile sprites: 1 x 192 pixels (NTSC).Player, ball, and missile sprites use pixels that are 1/4 the width of playfield pixels (unless stretched). Player sprites: 8 x 192 pixels (NTSC).Uses a 20-pixel register that is mirrored or copied, left side to right side, to achieve the width of 40 pixels. Playfield resolution: 40 x 192 pixels ( NTSC).

ic-7800 specifications

  • Audio + Video processor: Television Interface Adaptor (TIA).

  • Ic-7800 specifications